About Me

Publicity and more!

Sandra currently manages several of her own business pages both for Facebook and Instagram, including:

  • Willie Nelson’s Love Child Show
  • Body and Soul Duo
  • Bulimba Uke Fest
  • Bulimba Golf Club
  • Sean Mullen Guitar
  • Briz Chilli Fest
  • Homecooked Food for Babies & Toddlers
  • Sandra Beynon PR

Why content is still king:

Facebook’s recent changes (August 2017) on how it prioritises content for viewing by its users include:

  • more video
  • significantly less advertising-content posts
  • more timely and authentic posts
  • more posts relevant to current world and trending issues and
  • more people-focussed posts

Instagram will follow suit.

To create engaging, interactive, informative and shareable content requires skill, creativity, imagination, thinking outside the square and an eye for cool stuff out there on the web.

To get steady growth and an upward trend in engagement by a client’s fanbase requires consistency, quality and strategic planning.

“Anyone can post stuff to Facebook….it’s easy. Why should I pay someone to do it?” is a common thing heard by social media managers.

Yes, of course anyone can post……butto get your posts appearing on more timelines, get higher engagement numbers, less “unfollows” or “unlikes” and to post content which fosters relationship-building with your followers and fans – that takes skill and commitment.

Measuring Success:

Like anything, if you want to see how you’re going, you need to measure.

Facebook Insights are greatly overlooked by most people and are an amazingly in-depth source of information and a way to measure success and where to improve. Knowing how to find these insights and how to read them is also a skill you pay for.